I come across a lot of shoes in my daily web browsing and in all honesty there are not many shoes out there I don’t like. However, sometimes it takes a little warming up to the design for me to become a fan. There are a number of shoes that I instantly rejected but over time came to like. A great example is the D&G face shoes. I thought they were just bizarre but once you see them on, they really do add something to the whole outfit, and are a great shoe. (Seen here on Jane from Sea of Shoes)
My most recent example are these Maison Martin Margiela peep toe booties. My first reaction was repulsion. I mean it looks like an old trash bag scrunched around the ankle. But then slowly images of outfits crept into my mind… fueled by thoughts of Ke$ha’s love of garage bags (The City anyone?) To me the best shoes are statement makers, and these definitely fill the role!