I went to a local fabric store and found some great turquoise jersey fabric on sale so I bought the needed amount and set off to make the dress... and many mistakes, lol. The first skirt I cut out I ended up making the waist about 2x too big (mistake in calculations due to excitement), thus leaving with me not enough fabric to make the straps once I cut out the second skirt. So I had to go back to the fabric store (about two weeks later) to get more fabric for the straps. Once I had those cut out and pinned the parts together I cranked up my sewing machine.... and about 20 min later I had a finished dress!!! Of course the first thing you do is try it on...... I guess I didn't really think about where the dress was going to sit on me and in the end the "waist" is still too large. And to top it off I didn't quite catch the ends of one of the straps in a seam so I have a little flap at the end.
Even with these problems I have to say that it actually looks okay :) Given the fact that it can be worn so many ways I can easily wrap the straps in ways to cover up my mistakes. So in the end I still ended up with my infinity dress and have learned from the mistakes and can now easily make another for me or my friends. So who wants one???
OMG stylishme this is soooo cute!!! I want one I want one... Wow I'm so impressed!